Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Circle of Life

Asanta Sana, Squash Banana

This is my dog, Lucille "Matzo" Ball. Better known as "Lucy."

I recieved a not so pleasant voicemail from my mom yesterday that went something like...

"Since December Lucy has been petrified to come upstairs with me.  And then today, when I was trying to call her from the top of the staircase your brother told me that her fear probably has something to do with YOU dressing her up in Shana's lion costume, holding her up in the air over the balcony and singing "The Circle of Life.?" Seriously, Erika? You've gotta be kidding.
Call me back. Ohh and you're grounded!"

HAHA Welp, I'm glad I missed that call!

Ze King has returned...

1 comment:

  1. she's lucky i wasn't there to play uncle scar and make it even more fun!!

    ps-i love to visit utah, and though i have family there i would never live there
