Thursday, September 30, 2010

Grey Balloons

Lately, I feel caught up.
Like balloons, once free and colorful, now faded to shades of grey and trapped within the grasp of prevailing power lines.
Tangled in a web of what ought to be.
Every day, life seems to become a little more tangled.
Sometimes we let these complications dominate us.
Swamp our lives with emotions that are all too often unnecessary.
I often find it extremely hard to find balance.
Locate your true priorities and keep only the essentials.
Give away or lose the others.
The simple things are the most valuable.
Don't lose sight of that.
Too often we make our own cages.
Of the mind.
Of the heart.
We have the key to unlock them, but sometimes lack the will to use it.
Set your mind free and make your own decisions.
Unlock your heart and allow yourself to love freely.
Unlock your mind and live freely.
But most of all never underestimate your potential or discount your abilities.
Most great achievements are based on perseverance.
Persist and believe in yourself.
If you don’t, no one else will.
When others give in, keep going.
It’s ok if you falter.
That’s why we have faith.

“Be not afraid of greatness”- William Shakespeare

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One Peace of Land

To Love a Stranger: My Voice for Peace

-Two Peoples. One future. My hands.-

A friend of mine has challenged my ambitiousness and creativity to an intangible, global level. I’ve always sought to somehow change the world,
leave my footprints, to make a difference.
I want to show you the world through my eyes, exactly as I see it.
Here is my chance!
It is a contest called, “The Impossible Brief.”

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for over 60 years. To date, the political leaders have failed in reaching a diplomatic solution to create a sense of unity between the two nations. Here’s where I come in. It’s time to break down the barriers between two peoples that, for as long as history can remember, have been so physically close, yet mentally worlds apart. Rather than “out of date” policies, we need an “out of the box” solution. So I’m out to show the world that the best of creative minds can inspire even the most stubborn of political thinkers.
Once you see the beauty in things, it becomes more difficult to see the bad.
It’s time to show the Middle East the beauty!

I call my solution: “The Gaza Strip Tease!”
Errrrr...sorry, I mean…….

I call my solution; “One PEACE of Land”

(I can’t really spill anymore of the ‘deets’ about my top-secret, genius plan until the competition is over (theft reasons.) But, I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted. I've read a few other proposals and call me crazy, but I'm feeling really optimistic!)
Until then, cross your fingers for the Nobel Peace Prize!....Ha.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Practical Blog, For Impractical People

Well, you guys win! I finally gave in and made a blog.
This "HTML" coding is a lot more difficult than I had originally anticipated,
so bear with me in my attempts to figure this thing-uh-mah-blogger out.

In the meantime, thank you to those of you who are reading this and
bienvenue to my very first attempt at blogging.
 Admittedly, I’m about three years behind the bleeding edge,
but that was half expected.

So without further adieu,
Let the good times roll!