As I continue to see Arizona headline the front page of national newspapers,
my patience is tested. I'm a very opinionated person, but I don't mean for this to be a controversial blog by any means so please read with an open mind whilst I "vent."
Immigration is a Federal issue and should therefore be treated and handled as such.
Simple concept, right?....WRONG! (apparently)
Handling a National/Federal issue at the state level is inevitably bound to cause turmoil. Police are not only ill-equipped and unqualified to handle illegal immigration, but it's NOT in their job discription!
Border patrol-Immigration officer. Different story.
These (dare I say ridiculous?) laws are clearly a result of frustration in the state over the difficulty of securing the border and stopping the flow of illegal immigration. Immigration law enforcement is the purview of the federal government, NOT the states.
The policy itself is entirely flawed. I don't think there is any doubt that it invites unwarranted racial profiling. Quite simply, this law is a civil rights disaster and frankly, an insult to American values. No one in our country should be required to produce their “papers” on demand to prove their innocence. What kind of country are we becoming, people? When Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (whom mind you could be deemed clinically retarded by a physician ) was asked what an undocumented immigrant looks like,
She responded:
“I do not know what an illegal immigrant looks like. I can tell you that I think there are people in Arizona who assume that they know what an illegal immigrant looks like."(yep, true story...not makin this up folks.)
We all know what the outcome of all this uneducated double-talk will be/has been.
What a friggin Ill-diot.
The law is not only unconstitutional, it’s bad public policy and is going to interfere with effective policing in Arizona’s communities. NOW I read that lawmakers in other states are eager to replicate this ill-advised law!?
Arizona's frustration with current immigration policy is understandable, I'm not saying the problem is non-existent. But, this system must be remedied by our Congress, which should enact fair immigration reform. The federal government must craft a policy that repairs our broken immigration system and, at the same time, protects our most cherished values. States that attempt to follow Arizona’s example will only succeed in sowing fear, discord and intolerance in communities while undermining law enforcement and inviting costly constitutional challenges.
{Posing undercover with Governor Jan Brewer at the Republican Party Awards Banquet Dinner. PUKE.}
Ps- Special thanks to Chris Fairbanks who physically restrained me from chucking my cutlery in Jan's general direction during her speech.
I hope I never have to experience jail. However, in this situation,
it may have been worth it.
Issues, Erika. Issues.
{Posing undercover with Governor Jan Brewer at the Republican Party Awards Banquet Dinner. PUKE.}
Ps- Special thanks to Chris Fairbanks who physically restrained me from chucking my cutlery in Jan's general direction during her speech.
I hope I never have to experience jail. However, in this situation,
it may have been worth it.
Issues, Erika. Issues.
First off, thanks for using a picture in which I look really goofy (scratch that, that's just about all pictures). Secondly, because I told you I wouldn't reply on your political postings, and because I'm getting sick of arguing politics in general (ESPECIALLY THIS ISSUE!!! LOL), I'm gonna go ahead and stop typing right
ReplyDeleteI suppose that means I win again. But thats typical of our political debates. ;)
Yes Erika, you "win" if that's what ya need to tell yourself. ;) You're still rockin' a Brewer sticker in that picture, incognito or not I'm never letting you live that down lol
ReplyDeleteStill a victory by default. I intimidate you, and thats ok :)
ReplyDeleteNot all men are intimidated by a woman with high levels of both intellect and beauty. lol