Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cardiac Arrest

If running from the things we fear or the things we just simply don't want to accept is wrong, then why does it always feel like the most tempting and logical option?

 Sometimes, I wish my heart would mind its own doggone business and just pump 
oxygenated blood to the rest of my body and cells like its supposed to.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Starting Over

"For what it's worth: it's never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There's no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again." -Benjamin Button

6 months ago I was living on a beach in California, filling out law school applications and trying to find the perfect wording for my personal statement. I had a life all planned for myself. But, if there is one thing I have come to learn about myself its that I am not a planner. Spontaneity is what keeps me going. I don't want to live my life according to a plan. Life has no rubric or guidelines. I want to wake up every morning and do the unexpected.

I'm beginning to see my life in a new light, the light of the cameras. I trashed my law school dreams overnight and am now on my way to a broadcasting degree. I have been given the opportunity to work with both NBC and CBS. I am so in love with the industry I could never picture myself doing anything else.

Never let the odds against you keep you from chasing your dreams, even if it means finding the strength to start all over.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Smile- The Universal Language

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."-Leo F. Buscaqlia

Our world needs more smiles...

So I went out and bought 100 tags,
wrote a different message on each one
and then I hid them all around San Diego

On fire hydrants...

and pretty flowers...

and bicycles...

and on fences.....

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.
Because that someone hasn't lost their smile at all, its right there under their nose.
Sometimes they simply just forget its there.
Its our job to remind them!
I hope people find these and they bring a smile to their face....

Happy Tuesday!

Inspired by KS

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Circle of Life

Asanta Sana, Squash Banana

This is my dog, Lucille "Matzo" Ball. Better known as "Lucy."

I recieved a not so pleasant voicemail from my mom yesterday that went something like...

"Since December Lucy has been petrified to come upstairs with me.  And then today, when I was trying to call her from the top of the staircase your brother told me that her fear probably has something to do with YOU dressing her up in Shana's lion costume, holding her up in the air over the balcony and singing "The Circle of Life.?" Seriously, Erika? You've gotta be kidding.
Call me back. Ohh and you're grounded!"

HAHA Welp, I'm glad I missed that call!

Ze King has returned...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Coloring Outside the Lines

"A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others"

If I havent already bragged about them enough, I get the pleasure of working with the most amazing little girls in the entire world.
Don't get me wrong, like any kids, they have their moments. And as precious as they are, they can be complete and total pains in the butt when they want to be.
People always laugh and tell me that they have to "be the best birth control!" And, my usual response is almost always just a giggle or a forced grin.
But, I will be completely honest.
I love them. Beyond any capacity that I ever imagined I could love and I enjoy every single second that I spend with them.
Children make life so much more meaningful. 
While it's supposed to be my job to teach them, 
they have really been the ones teaching me.
Teaching me to love and laugh, to take chances, to create and imagine. Teaching me that  its ok to cry, and color outside the lines. All of the things we as adults all too often forget. The things life is all about.
I mean, what more could you really ask for?
When I leave California, I will undoubtedly be leaving a big piece of heart behind.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


My lease is almost up and its time to move on to the next chapter of my life. The only question is where I want that chapter to begin. If my best friend had it her way, it would be in Utah. Although, I am definitely leaning towards the east coast or another year in California. But, I figured that before I say no, and because I love her arcave so dearly....
I at least owe it to her to do a little research.....

What I've learned about Utah
  • The average snowfall in the mountains near Salt Lake City is 500 inches.
  • The name Utah comes from the Native American Ute tribe and means people of the mountains.
  • Utah is the only state whose capital's name is made of three words. All three words in Salt Lake City have four letters each.
  • The federal government owns 65% of the state's land. (hmm...sounds like socialism)
  • Utah has the highest literacy rate in the nation.
  • Donny&Marie Osmond along with Roseanne Barr were born in Utah. *giggles*
  • Levan, is "navel" spelled backwards. It is so named because it is in the middle of Utah. (Or so I'm convinced.)
  • Because of the state's inland location Utah's snow is unusually dry. Earning it the reputation of having the world's greatest powder. 14 Alpine ski resorts operate in Utah.  (k, noowwwwww we're talkin)
  • State animal: The Rocky Mountain Elk. (So the state animal is Bullwinkle?...I can roll with that.)
  • The television series "Touched by an Angel" is filmed in Utah.

Your honor, The jury has reached a verdict. In the case of
"Law firm internship vs. Shredding Utah's famous pow errry'day" We the jury find the defendant.....

(to be continued....., tune in next week)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Life Ain't Always Beautiful...

But it's a Beautiful Ride....

We can either make ourselves miserable, or we can make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same. Happiness is a state of mind and our minds are our most powerful asset. It's powers are virtually unlimited. With imagination we can create new worlds, and improve old ones. Live our wildest dreams and dream our wildest lives. It has neither laws nor boundries and here,
the imperfections are the beauty.
So dont be afraid to live more
Laugh harder
Love blindly
Dream bigger! 
The greatest mistake you can make is to continually fear that you will make one.
So....sit back, relax, and enjoy "the ride."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To Love a Stranger

Have ever just seen someone or even exchanged smiles with someone and were suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to just want to tell them you love them? Maybe I'm weird...but I get it all the time! Every Tuesday on my way to work I pass an elderly woman whom if I had to guess would say is probably in her late 80s/early 90s, and she sits alone at the bus stop in Coronado at EXACTLY 6:30am, dragging her oxygen tank, always dressed in her finest clothing and assumably wearing every piece of jewelry she owns. Always in a rush, I never have time to stop and ask her where shes going, but over the past few months I  have undoubtedly fell in love with her from afar. Every Tuesday, I cannot wait to drive by and see what amazing outfit this incredible woman has chosen this week. I just want to hug her! I had the day off  work today, so at 6:00am
I drove down to the bus stop in Coronado and waited.
When she showed up, I hugged her and I gave her this.....

After all, strangers are just friends you haven't met yet....

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Please & Thank you

Cupcakes, Ferries & Sea Monkeys
{This cupake is dedicated to Ms Natalie M. Wall.}

(Jamming to James Blunt's new single on my ipod in the car)
Maddy: "Oh I used to loooove this song when I was a little baby!!"
Erika: "This song just came out Maddy bug, it's new!"
Maddy: "Don't lie to me Erika! You didnt even say thank you!"
Erika: "Ok, You're right. I'm sorry. Let me try again *clears throat* This song just came out Maddy bug, its new. Thank you?"
Maddy: "You're very welcome, Erika. I love you."
Erika: "I love you too. Now get your thumb out of your mouth."
Erika: *under breath*"Oh.My.God."
Maddy: "Erika, don't use Gods name in 'veins'!"
Erika: "Don't make me pull this car over!
Maddy: "Why? What'd I do?"
Maddy:" *starts crying*


Don't forget your manners, folks! Life lessons from a 4 year old.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Shmendsday!

Things I loved about today
  • Having smiley cakes for breakfast
  • Getting snail mail from my best friend
  • Purchasing my ticket for Country Thunder! Hello Florence, so long morals.
  • Making a beautiful sidewalk chalk mural
  • Seeing a parade of hot air balloons
  • Getting a check in the mail from a painting
  • Making chocolate lava cake whilst watching the Daily Show. Jon Stewart, How great thou art!
  • Maddy including me in the picture of her family that she drew at preschool today
  • Watching the sunset on the beach
  • Planned a trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras
  • Playing guitar on the kitchen counter
  • Getting a sweet email from my darling gran-paw
  • Ohh and today is Wednesday which means tomorrow is Thursday which means Wizard of Oz on Broadway! My valentines gift. Could it have been any better? Don't think so! :)
 {Addresses have been censored to protect the innocent}

Things I did NOT particularly love about today
  • Getting chalk all over my new equestrian blazer
  • Being asked by a 4 yr old 1'500 times how often Taylor Swift showers. I DO NOT KNOW, Maddy. I'll have to ask her loofah and get back to you. Who asks that anyways?....
  • Getting out of work late and sitting in San Diego traffic for an hour on my way home Hence, not going to ballet.
  • Being told by a grumpy old man that I "really should have my dog (who was sitting obediently next to me) on a leash."(listen dude, not sure who put sand in your depends, but if you dont like animals maybe you shouldnt have moved into a pet friendly complex? Just sayin
  • Drenching my new book whilst reading in the bathtub
  • Taking a turn too sharp and being whapped in side of the head with my sun visor...this event however wouldnt have even made the list if my Junior Kelly CD didnt simultaneously take flight out the passenger window. 
Time for some frozen pizza and boxed wine.
Stay classy San Diego.
Jump off a Cliff Ron Burgundy.
I still love lamp.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Long Lost Love

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain

I was raised on the water. In fact, I think I learned to swim before I even learned to walk. By age 7 I had a boating license and had designed and built my own vintage hydroplane with my father. But my true passion, was sailing! I was given my first hobbie cat for my 8th birthday and attended sailing camp every summer of my entire childhood until I was old enough to instruct the course myself.
Sailing was the one thing that stirred my imagination and restored my soul.
But somehow in the midst of college and growing up, I let it all slip away from me.
I'm ready to set sail again!
 I guess what I'm trying to say is dont lose touch with the things you love.
What do YOU love?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brett Allen Stelzer

If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.-
A.A. Milne

I know I speak for many of you when I say that Valentines Day can be the most difficult day of the year. Seven years ago tomorrow I lost a best friend. Each year in honor of Bretts memory I like to do something a little special. This year I am helping to host a Valentines Day Sweethearts dance in Laguna Niguel, CA for a group of children and adults who suffer from autism and down syndrome. If anyone lives in the area and would like to come tomorrow night, PLEASE email me and I will send you directions! erikafranta@yahoo.com
Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

{I took a short clip from a song that I covered for Brett a few years back. This video in its full version was also one of my first attempts at vocals whilst playing keys simultaneously, so PLEASE try to bear with me! Its the thought that counts....right?}

Think Eternity

Friday, February 11, 2011

Life's A Dance

I drove due east today until my car virtually ran out of gas, and then....
I DANCED! (and painted)
Underneath the California sun, with wildflowers in my hair.  
Yes, I went completely Janis Joplin on myself for a few hours, but talk about a liberating experience! Theres nothing like dancing amongst breathtaking landscape!
Except maybe pineapple upside down cake....
or my best friend's famous Butterscotch Krispies. HUGE fan. So is Madden.


Side note: Tonight I was in the back studio at Ballet Arte practicing with Amy for the upcoming spring performace, 'Swan Lake'. Julie, owner and founder of the academy, walks over to correct the positioning of Amy's arms. Amy, not paying attention, continues to spin fouettes, whacking Julie in the face with her arm, and again in the thigh with her pointe shoe.
Almost peed my friggin leotard.
What kind of person does that make me?

Don't answer that. 
T'was hilarious.

A wise man once said..."Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds.  A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing." 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lemony Snicket!

A Series of Unfortunate Events

"At times the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe us when we say there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough. And what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events, may, in fact, be the first steps of a journey."

Happy 19th Birthday, Gare Bear! I love you baby brudder!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Intellectual Hangover.

My Trash can is a personal statement eating monster....
I am many things. However, a person of few words doesnt exactly make the list. Words are one of the things that have always come to me more natuarally than others. I've written everything from sheet music to a 120 page article published in a Latin American law journal. So will someone please explain to me why once I have to sit down and write my personal statement for law school my mind turns to scrambled eggs? My one opportunity to boast my accomplishments and prove to these admissions councils that I deserve to go their school more than any other applicant, and I've got nothing. I put my pen onto paper only to find sketches of pokemon. WIN! Chalk me up for a full ride to Columbia. All writers block aside, life has laid some pretty amazing opportunites at my feet this year and I intend to take full advantage!
Life is what you make of it. Make the best of it!
Looks like law school is going back onto the back burner for awhile.
Eat up, Oscar.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

'Water for Vampires'

 I've been patiently waiting for YEARS for hollywood to convert my favorite novel, 'Water for Elephants' into a film! A few weeks ago I come to find out that its finnallllyyyy in the works.
Ohhhh and guess who just landed the lead role?...
The ever sparkling, pasty, blood-sucking Robert Pattinson.

Shoot me in the face.